It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

Well actually it's Tuesday, so I'm a bit late due to papers I had to finish grading yesterday. Last week I finished finished two books: Trying to Float: Coming of Age in the Chelsea Hotel, by Nicolaia Rips and First Comes Love, by Emily Griffin (on audiobook). I'm obsessed with audio book version of Emily Griffin's novels! Her books wouldn't be considered of high literary quality or anything, but the plot moves along at a fast pace and the heavy amount of dialogue works great on audio. The readers have done a great job with the three books I've read so far as well. These books actually make me excited to get in the car, so that I don't dread all of my driving as much.

This week I'm working on Commonwealth, by Ann Patchett and Patient H.M.: Memory, Madness, and Family Secrets, by Luke Dettrich. I've also started a new audio book: The Nix, by Nathan Hill.  I consider this more of a literary book, so I wasn't sure how listening to it in the car would go. I've tried other classic type literary works and haven't been able to pay attention. This one is keeping my attention, though, because the story is so weird and interesting! It's about a washed-up writer/college English professor who's long estranged mother has recently been jailed for attacking a political figure, and now he's going to write a book about her. The book does a lot of cultural criticism too, which adds to my enjoyment of it. However, the man reading the book is annoying because he overacts/overdramatizes everything. So far the story is enough to keep me going, though!

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