Facebook Poem Challenge
Why Having a Knitted
Boyfriend Is Better Than an Actual Boyfriend
For you created my inmost being;/you knit me
together in my mother’s womb.
-Psalm 139:13
His nipples softer than
expected in the dark
my face pressed into his
chest after the dream
where I have once again
denied my own name.
Sweat on skin on skin
damp, sheepish, smelling
of the stripy wool socks
my mother knit for
Christmas dozens and
dozens when I refused
to answer the phone when
I would not discuss
his scruff which was not
scruffy, nor the speckled
line leading down from
his belly button to the mystery
of his inmost being. Why
is he always smiling, even
when I weep and blather
awake all night?
In the dream
I can only predict what
has already happened –
how I drove away down the
flat black road not looking
He was always so flat: the stuffing wouldn’t last.
There were no teeth to
bite the back of my neck,
no voice. No words to
console, or to condemn.
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